Here is the new post I promised you! I was soooo excited to hear that someone was even still looking! So, here's to two of my favorites--and if your reading this you already know who I mean! And here I am with my newest grandbaby Penny. Adorable! (I mean the baby)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
This one's for the girls!
Here is the new post I promised you! I was soooo excited to hear that someone was even still looking! So, here's to two of my favorites--and if your reading this you already know who I mean! And here I am with my newest grandbaby Penny. Adorable! (I mean the baby)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Andrew would tell all his friends if something exciting happened and he would spend the day with Anthony and Nathan. His favorite pet is his cat sylvester who thinks he's a dog. He would love to have pancakes, eggs and French toast for breakfast and peanut butter in his sandwich for lunch. He hates sushi but loves action films. His dream job would to be a videogame developer. He would be vanilla if he was an ice cream flavor because then he could be in a rootbeer float---delicious!
Gissel, Megans BFF is the one she would share exciting news with and she hasn't really decided what her dream job would be. She hates menudo but loves French toast. Her favorite pet is her dog who is small, cute and annoying because he barks a lot!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tanner with an F

People might say I'm weird because . . . well, why wouldn't they. :) If something really exciting happened to him, he would tell his Dad. Batman is his hero and the actor that would play hims is George Clooney. His ideal job would being paid for having fun--great idea! He hates asparagus but loves roast beef in his sandwich. His favorite pet was a cat that fought a dog and WON!

Heather loves peanut butter (not chunky) because that's her favorite salad filling (with raspberry jam) and peanut butter cup ice cream. She hates feet, breakfast food and spaghetti but apparently likes Brian (when do I meet this guy?) Dream job would be an ER nurse and she loves her dog Roxy. Three words to describe her, crazy, lazy and spontaneous!

Kenny would tell me if something really exciting happened when we spent the day together. If people think he is weird than THEY are crazy. If they made a movie of his life Greg (tan, buff and handsome) would play him and if Greg was busy it would be Silvester Stallone. His ideal job is dreaming for money and he'd eat pull-apart-cake for breakfast before work. He would describe himself as awesome, amazing and atheletic which is way different than Amazon!
Monday, March 15, 2010
I'll give you a hint . . .

Ben guessed who the hero is--it's BEN! If something really exciting happened he wouldn't tell anyone. People would think he's weird because he's crazy. Clint Eastwood would play him if his life, a documentary, was made into a movie. He would spend the day playing the guitar with Bob Dylan. Loves his small goldfish, honey nut cheerios and bread. He would love to be an artist and he would be chocolate if he was an ice cream. He describes himself as tired, lazy, tired. Maybe you get up too early :)
MIC--who else--Nicole!
Tanner with an H

Some people might think Tanner is weird because he wears tye dye. Denzel Washington would play him in a movie which would be a drama/comedy, romatic-comedy, action or science fiction. His favorite pet is a tortoise, it doesn't do much. He would like to be a septic tank cleaner and he really hates peas. If he could spend the day with someone it would be Jesus and if something really exciting happened he would tell God. Good boy!
It's Kiley

Kiley would tell her friends or family if something really exciting happened to her. She has to write on a smooth surface and would like to be a model so that she can keep the cute clothes. She hates mustard but would love to have waffles or a breakfast burrito. She loves her dog Janka and her life would be a comedy/drama/action movie. The Three words that would describe her are adventurous, smart and athletic. Good choice!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Eddie aka Susan

Our Hero's favorite Hero is Pikachu! If his life was a movie Steve Urkel would play him. His ideal job would be Ambassador and he hates spinach. Honey bunches of oats is his favorite breakfast and he loves peanut butter. He loves his dog Daisy and he would be pecan praline because he has a unique "crunch" to him. Yep, he is chrisamtic, determined and stead-fast!
Fun, fun, fun!

You guys guessed Haley right away, But I'll bet you didn't know her favorite super hero was batman. Her life would be a comedy and if she was ice cream she said chocolate malted cruch 'cause then everyone would love her (we already do!) Her best pet was a goldfish named Shamoo given to her by Nathan. Her dream job would be to have a different job everyday. She hates sushi or anything below sea level (very funny!) Three words--fun, loud, musical! Now that's Haley!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Today's clue

The first person they would tell if something really exciting happened to them is the first person they saw! And Ariel is their favorite princess. And No it's not Cody! You guessed it--it's Brooke! She likes Star Wars and Rachel Bilson would play Brooke if her life was made into a movie, a drama, romantic movie. Yoda was her favorite pet, a cat who lived a long time and was 1/2 bob cat. She would like to own her own dance studio, or be the song coach at Ayala or be a choreographer (I personally think she could do all three!) Her three words, nice, bright, funny. I agree!
You guessed it, it's Greg!
Now you know why Greg is my favorite. If something really exciting happened to him he would tell, when he was little his favorite super hero was, people might think he's weird because, the actor who would play him is, if he could spend the day with anyone it would be, you guessed it ME! If he was an ice cream flavor, the food he really hates is, his favorite breakfast is, and his favorite sandwhich feeling is--you guessed it Pistachio! He wants to be a fireman, his life if made into a movie would be a romance and his favorite pet died! Three words to describ him--Greg Jordan Peterson! Genius!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
That was quick!

So what else do we need to know about the man George Bush would play in a movie? He says people would call him weird because he lives by Haley (or you kidding me). If he was an ice cream flavor he would be vanilla. He would like to have Travis Pastrana's job and his favorite breakfast is the Bravo Burger breakfast burrito. Three words to describe him are white, dirt bike and pillows (We'll need to ask about that!) His favorite sandwhich filling--here we go--- turkey, pepperjack cheese, lettuce, mustard, mayo, salt, pepper, oil and vinegar. Whew! And when I asked him to tell me about his favorite pet he says "It's a dog, I hate cats!"
Monday, March 8, 2010
Our Heroes Part Two
Clues from this morning. The first person they would tell something really exciting with would depend on the event, too many variables. The love to wiggle people's legs. They would like to own their own bakery. They hate eggs but would love bacon in their sandwich. Lucy the bird was their favorite pet.
New clues for today. They would want Taylor Swift to play them in a movie, their life would be a romantic-comedy and the three words that would describe them is Adventure, Smile, Energy!
New clues for today. They would want Taylor Swift to play them in a movie, their life would be a romantic-comedy and the three words that would describe them is Adventure, Smile, Energy!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Last post . . . for now
The last movie Morgan went to was "17 again". She liked to play handball at recess in grade school and her best friend in first grade was a girl named Kirsten.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
More, more, more
Morgans best subject is English, which makes sense because she spends her free time reading! Very smart!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Her favorite animals at the zoo have big ears--Elephants, Bunnies, etc. She can't make up her mind where she would like to serve a mission but came up with her top four: South America, North Africa, India or Italy. It's good to keep your options open!
Monday, February 22, 2010
The last but not least!
Guesses anyone?
A new week--a new hero. Our hero's favrorite food is shushi and favorite candy is chocolate--I would assume that means anything chocolate--sounds like me. Their favorite cookie is oatmeal raisin and they mostly wear white. Interesting, very interesting!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
And that's that!
Even though Tanner's favorite food is Italian, he would like to serve his mission in Spain! His favorite primary song is "I'm tryin to be like Jesus" and I believe that is how he is living his life. Way to go Tanner--real hero material!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tanner. . . Farnsworth that is!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
You still don't know . . .
Our hero spends their free time studying and playing sports. The TV show they can't miss is "burn notice" and they must be very busy because thier bucket place to visit is Home :)!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Number Next to Last
We are down to our last two heroes! Here are the clues for today. Our hero has two brothers and 1 sister--their the baby! Friends would describe them as caring and math is their favorite subject. Any guesses?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Lots more stuff about Breanne
Breanne likes to spend her free time sleeping and hanging out with friends. She has three little brothers and on Christmas Eve they get to open three presents. Don't you just love traditions!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
It's a girl!
Speaking of school, her favorite subject is English. When she was in grade school she liked to play handball at recess. And she would really like to pull in the parking lot at CHHS in a CORVETTE! Who wouldn't?
Monday, February 8, 2010
A new hero
This week's hero can't miss "Wizards of Waverly Place" and the last movie they saw was "The Breakfast Club". If their house was on fire they would grab the pets! They say Thank you!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Once there was a Matthew
Matthew is the oldest child and has four brothers and one sister, poor Savannah! His favorite primary song is "Once there was a snowman"! He says he spends his free time doing dumb stuff and in elementary school at recess he loved to play stupid ball--is that a game or just the way in turned out?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Go Matthew!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Oh I wonder, wonder, who . . .
This morning's clues were, favoirte candy: snickers, favorite cookie: chocolate chip, favorite food: burgers. And now as promised the bonus clue bucketplace to visit: the baja 1000.
Friday, January 29, 2010
The rest of the story .
Grace loves frozen snickers, not the ice cream, frozen snicker bars! I need to try that! She likes snickerdoodle cookies and A Childs prayer is her favorite primary song. Go Grace!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
More information please . . .
Grace's friends would describe her as energetic, the last movie she saw was "Night at the Museum 2" and the one show she can't miss is TMZ. That's all good stuff to know!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Miss Grace
On the first day of school every year Grace's dad makes breakfast--what a great tradition! She used to love playing kickball at recess and her best subject in school is History. You get an A++ from me!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Amazing Grace
Monday, January 25, 2010
Two by two
Lots of TWO's. Our hero is number TWO in their family and has TWO sisters. The TWO colors they wear the most is black and blue. The TWO things they would grab if their house was on fire are their scriptures and their cell phone. Tomorrow I will give you TWO guesses!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
She's supercalifragalisticexpialadocious (FUN)
Nicole guessed right, this week's hero is Breanne! We found out today that her favorite primary song is "I am a Child of God". If her house was on fire she would grab her pets, she wears blue mostly, and her favorite tamily tradition is opening 3 gifts on Christmas Eve!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Clues anyone?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
In her free time she is writing or taking pictures. The last movie she saw was "Up" and the one show she can't miss is M*A*S*H. My husband loves Frank Burns--Radar is my personal favorite.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
A few more clues!
Our hero has no brothers and 2 sisters and is the oldest child in the family, who they like to look at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve with. Dream car is a convertible! Any guesses?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Momma Mia
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Today's Quote
I enjoyed our discussion today on the William's quote, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It's not in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence liberates others."
My challenge to you is to share it with your parents, see what they think. Do they agree? It makes for interesting chatter!
My challenge to you is to share it with your parents, see what they think. Do they agree? It makes for interesting chatter!
Here's the scoop
Kaydee thinks it would be cool to serve a mission in Brazil--I think she would make an excellant missionary--she is already! She has no free time, but when she had a minute the last movie she saw was The Proposal. She loves to watch "So you think you can dance"--I love the girl judge (the really loud obnoxious one), she wears blue mostly and if her house was on fire she would grab her photo albums.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
K K K K Kaydee!
Here are some of Kaydee's favorites: Zoo animal--Lion, seminary activity--fun games, primary song--A Child's Prayer, and favorite family activity--the beach house!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Likes Sour Patch Kids, Snickerdoodles, Strawberries and Science! "Sounds super sensational", said Sister Jo so sincerely!
Monday, January 4, 2010
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